Biomimetic Dentistry

Biomimetic means to copy or mimic nature.  Nature is our ideal model to imitate.  Teeth move, bend, and have physical dynamics of force that must be accounted for while remaking the tooth with nature as our guide.  In other words, we can study nature's properties so that we can better duplicate them.

 Tooth preservation and dental conservation lie at the heart of biomimetic dentistry.  Biomimetic dentistry treats weak, fractured, and decayed teeth in a way that keeps them strong and seals them from bacterial invasion.  Much of the amputation of tooth structure can be eliminated with modern science and medicaments.  While this approach doesn't eliminate the traditional crowns completely, it greatly minimizes the loss of tooth structure.  These principles of biomimetic dentistry are followed in all the various types of restorations we do from small fillings to larger restorations.


Where to Find Us

Call: (408)736-6255

730 Altos Oaks Drive
Los Altos, CA 94024


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Los Altos, CA 94024

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